Home 2016 2(74), 2016
Svitlana M. Grinevska
PhD in Economics, the Institute of the Economy of Industry of the NAS of Ukraine.
Address: 03680, Ukraine, MSP, Kyiv, 2, Gelabov Str.
Tel.: 38 050 735 25 75. E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

Modern tendencies of forming region’s self-development mechanisms in terms of decentralization
Section: Macroeconomic and regional problems of industrial development
Ekon. promisl. 2016, 74(2): 5-16
Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: In Ukraine independence of regional management objects set by legislative acts is not fully used. Experience of local authorities’ activity confirms the tendency of increasing functions that are performed by means of delegating significant amount of responsibilities and management functions to lower levels. Currently Constitutional reform is being formed. In accordance with the reform the problems and responsibilities that concern regional level, such as socio-economic policy in regional planning, forecast, technical management development, social sphere management, credit-financial and external economic activity, are to be solved at this level with gradual giving to the state the role of coordination and inter correspondence of the interests of all the members of regional management process. State regulation of regional development is to provide regulating functions: economic growth stimulation, rational usage of human resources potential, provision of progress in branch and territorial systems, support of products and services export. And the main aim of state regulation of regional development is to provide economic and social stability, local producers’ protection at international markets, property relations regulation, and the support of independent self-sufficient development of every region.

Keywords: state regulation; management decentralization; region’s self-development

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