Home 2017 2(78), 2017
Volodymir I. Zakharchenko
Doctor of Economics, professor, Cherkasy State Technological University
18006, Ukraine, Cherkasy, 460 Shevchenko Boulevard
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Structural transformation of national industrial complex in context of post-industrial development
Problems of industrial enterprises’ and production complexes’ economics
Ekon. promisl. 2017, 78(2): 37-60
Language: Ukrainian

The partial structures (structural aspects) of national industrial complex (NIС) are marked out in the article, which are as follows: economic activities, functional, sectoral, reproductive, institutional, technological, foreign trade, territorial and others. In the context of market reforms and post-industrial development the article highlights positive changes in the structure of economic activity, institutional, technological and other structures of the NIC.
The methodical tools for structural analysis of the NIС is suggested, which  includes  factors and indexes that characterize shares of economic activities or certain changes in  these shares and the structure of the complex as a whole, and the degree of diversification of the complex structure (based on modified Herfindahl-Hirschman Index) .
In terms of partial structures transformational changes in the NIС of Ukraine are analyzed and major "structural imbalances" are found in it, namely the dominance of raw material  and energy consuming  activities (food processing, metallurgy and chemical industry), and the decrease of the most innovative activities including engineering.
In the context of post-industrial development the author defines the strategic directions of the state policy of Ukraine in transforming the structure of the NIС. It is anticipated to accelerate the development of economic activities in the fifth and sixth technological structures, characterized by innovation, high added value and strong export potential.
Keywords: national industrial complex, structure, structure transformation, market transformation, post-industrial development, state industrial policy.
JEL: L52, O3.

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